Friends of UAK

A support organization for Academy Chamber Choir of Uppsala

UAK 50

UAK celebrated its 50th birthday 2007. UAKV:s gift to the active choir was a book on 50 years of choral life.

The book mirrors UAK as a part of swedish choral life during 50 years. By interviewing its four conductors Eric Ericson, Dan-Olof Stenlund, Anders Eby and Stefan Parkman, a history of choral activities of great interest emerges, not only for the choir itself but also for everybody who engages in swedish choral life today. The book contains an account of all choral compositions UAK has performed at concerts during the years 1957-2007. The line-up of composers that emerges shows a breadth of repertoir, genre-wise as well as time-wise, and gives in this way an interesting picture of what swedish choral singing has carried for singers and listeners during half a century

For those who would like to get closer to UAK they will find a great deal in the second part of the book: on the new years' concerts, on the many tours, on the reflections of individual chorists, and what it is like to be in the audience. A phrase from "Lustwins Wijsa", a choral work by the swedish composer Knut Håkansson with lyrics by Samuel Columbus, has been made the title of the Jubilee book; this song was the opening act of every concert during the first decades.

Order it from UAKV: (only in Swedish)

UAK 25

A book was published also for the 25-year jubilee with the purpose of describing the history of UAK in the form of articles by the chair of the board through the years as well as a systematic record of repertoir. It shows how choir is formed and contains comments from several of the modern composers whose works have been performed by UAK

It is not possible to order the book, but may be downloaded as a pdf (only in Swedish)